This gallery contains 12 photos.
二零一一年十月七日:祷告会与团契 (美农布道所)
This gallery contains 698 photos.
二零一一年双溪大年卫理公会家庭营-燃烧起初的爱 31st August 2016 -2nd September 2016, Hotel Titiwangsa Cameron Highlands
Why Believe in God’s Existence, When It Can’t Be Proven Scientifically? By Dan Vander Lugt Why believe in God’s existence, when it can’t be proven scientifically? Something that can be demonstrated by the scientific method is a scientific fact. But it doesn’t follow that just because something can’t be demonstrated[……]
“You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing’ Revelation 3:17 Veruca Salt, one of the not-so-sweet characters in Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, was notorious for demanding whatever she wanted. Her indulgent parents didn’t know what to do, especially when they[……]
前言: AIMST大专团契是双溪大年卫理公会属下的团契,一个专为AIMST大学生的大专团契.其成立于2006年,大约80%契友为砂拉越人。在这里,大家不分你我,共同努力建立一个有爱及温暖的团契。大家虽然,来自不同的地方。然而,因着神的爱,而在主内成为弟兄姐妹。在异乡中,一起在学业及事奉当中彼此扶持,彼此帮助。 在上帝的帮助下,AIMST大专团契从初时的5人,增加到目前大约30余人(所有课程都在上课时)。在迈向5周年之际,AIMST大专团契将继续与主同行,在扎根主道,深化灵命的主题引领下,AIMST大专团契契友将会继续在主道中扎根,透过灵修,读经,阅读属灵书籍来深化自己的灵命,同时更加积极在此地事奉,更加关怀自己身边的契友,同时也将关怀的敏锐度逐渐扩展到社会,环境及自己的教会。